Working with HyperLogLog in Zeppelin

This guide will set you up to work with HyperLogLog in Zeppelin.

Zeppelin Configuration

  • Launch a Zeppelin notebook

  • Open the panel for Interpreter configuration

    • This can be found at localhost:8890/#/intepreter
  • Add the Sonatype Snapshot repository

    • Expand the Repository Information cog, next to the create button
    • Settings are as follows:
    ID: Sonatype OSS Snapshots
    Snapshot: true
  • Add the dependency to the Spark interpreter

    • spark > Edit > Dependencies
    • Add the following entry to artifacts:

These steps should enable the use of the library within the notebook. Using the %dep interpreter to dynamically add the library is currently not supported. You may want to add a short snippet near the top of the notebook to make the functions more accessible.

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
import com.mozilla.spark.sql.hyperloglog.aggregates._
import com.mozilla.spark.sql.hyperloglog.functions._

val HllMerge = new HyperLogLogMerge
val HllCreate = udf(hllCreate _)
val HllCardinality = udf(hllCardinality _)

spark.udf.register("hll_merge", HllMerge)
spark.udf.register("hll_create", HllCreate)
spark.udf.register("hll_cardinality", HllCardinality)

Example Usage

This is a short example which can also be used to verify expected behavior.

case class Example(uid: String, color: String)

val examples = Seq(
    Example("uid_1", "red"),
    Example("uid_2", "blue"),
    Example("uid_3", "blue"),
    Example("uid_3", "red"))

val frame = examples.toDF()

In a single expression, we can create and count the unique id's that appear in the DataFrame.

>>> frame
  .select(expr("hll_create(uid, 12) as hll"))
  .agg(expr("hll_cardinality(hll_merge(hll)) as count"))

|    3|

The code in the previous section defines UDF functions that can be used directly as Spark column expressions. Let's explore the data structure a bit more in slightly more detail.

val example = frame
    .select(HllCreate($"uid", lit(12)).alias("hll"), $"color")


This groups uids by the color attribute and registers the table with the SQL context. Each row contains a HLL binary object representing the set of uids.

|color|                 hll|
|  red|[02 0C 00 00 00 0...|
| blue|[02 0C 00 00 00 0...|

Each HLL object takes up 2^12 bits of space. This configurable size parameter affects the size and standard error of the cardinality estimates. The cardinality operator can count the number of uids associated with each color.

>>>$"color", HllCardinality($"hll").alias("count")).show()
|  red|    2|
| blue|    2|

We can also write this query in the %sql interpreter.

%dep sql

SELECT color, hll_cardinality(hll_merge(hll)) as count
FROM example
GROUP BY color

Finally, note that the color HLL sets have an overlapping uid. We obtain the count of uids and avoid double counting by merging the sets.

>>> example.groupBy().agg(HllCardinality(HllMerge($"hll")).alias("count")).show()
|    3|