Choosing a dataset

This document is a quick overview of the datasets provided by the data pipeline team. After reading this document, you should have a good idea of what dataset is the most useful for your analysis.

Before making final decisions from your findings, consider getting your query or analysis reviewed by a member of the data pipeline team.

Accessing a dataset

Playing with the data is the best way to get comfortable. All of these datasets can be queried from STMO (AKA: re:dash). STMO will give you an interactive SQL interface, which should be sufficient for getting comfortable with the data. If you need to complete more complicated analyses or want to productionize your code, see Analyzing Telemetry Data.


Unless noted otherwise, these datasets summarize the "main" Telemetry ping type. The main ping payload contains most of the measurements used to track performance and health of Firefox in the wild. It can be useful to refer back to the source ping documentation to understand how the source data was generated.


Table of Contents

Main Summary

The main_summary table is the most direct representation of a main ping but can be difficult to work with due to its size.

Rows and Columns

The main_summary table contains one row for each ping. Each column represents one field from the main ping payload, though only a subset of all main ping fields are included.

Background and Caveats

This table is massive, and due to it's size, it can be difficult to work with. You should avoid querying main_summary from re:dash. Your queries will be slow to complete and can impact performance for other users, since re:dash on a shared cluster.

Instead, we recommend using the longitudinal or cross_sectional dataset where possible. If these datasets do not suffice, consider using Spark on an ATMO cluster. In the odd case where these queries are necessary, make use of the sample_id field and limit to a short submission date range.


The longitudinal dataset is a 1% sample of main ping data organized to roughly represent a user. If you're not sure which dataset to use for your analysis, this is probably what you want.

Rows and Columns

Each row in the longitudinal dataset represents one client_id, which is a rough approximation of a user. Each column represents a field from the main ping. Most fields contain arrays of values, with one value for each ping associated with a client_id. Using arrays give you access to the raw data from each ping, but can be difficult to work with from SQL. Take a look at the longitudinal examples if you get stuck.

Background and Caveats

Think of the longitudinal table as wide and short. The dataset contains more columns than main_summary and down-samples to 1% of all clients to reduce query computation time and save resources.

In summary, the longitudinal table differs from main_summary in two important ways:

  • The longitudinal dataset groups all data so that one row represents a client_id
  • The longitudinal dataset samples to 1% of all client_ids

Cross Sectional

The cross_sectional dataset provides descriptive statistics for each client_id in a 1% sample of main ping data. This dataset simplifies the longitudinal table by replacing the longitudinal arrays with summary statistics. This is the most useful dataset for describing our user base.

Rows and Columns

Each row in the cross_sectional dataset represents one client_id, which is a rough approximation to a user. Each column is a summary statistic describing the client_id.

For example, the longitudinal table has a row called geo_country which contains an array of country codes. For the same client_id the cross_sectional table has columns called geo_country_mode and geo_country_configs containing single summary statistics for the modal country and the number of distinct countries in the array.

client_id geo_country geo_country_mode geo_country_configs
1 array<"US"> "US" 1
2 array<"DE", "DE" "US"> "DE" 2

Background and Caveats

This table is much easier to work with than the longitudinal dataset because you don't need to work with arrays. Note that this dataset is a summary of the longitudinal dataset, so it is also a 1% sample of all client_ids.

Client Count

The client_count dataset is simply a count of clients in a time period, stratified over a set of dimensions.

Rows and Columns

This dataset includes columns for a dozen factors and an HLL variable. The hll column contains a HyperLogLog variable, which is an approximation to the exact count. The factor columns include activity date and the dimensions listed here. Each row represents one combinations of the factor columns.

Background and Caveats

It's important to understand that the hll column is not a standard count. The hll variable avoids double-counting users when aggregating over multiple days. The HyperLogLog variable is a far more efficient way to count distinct elements of a set, but comes with some complexity. To find the cardinality of an HLL use cardinality(cast(hll AS HLL)). To find the union of two HLL's over different dates, use merge(cast(hll AS HLL)). The Firefox ER Reporting Query is a good example to review. Finally, Roberto has a relevant writeup here.

Crash Aggregates

The Crash Aggregates dataset compiles crash statistics over various dimensions for each day.

Rows and Columns

There's one column for each of the stratifying dimensions and the crash statistics. Each row is a distinct set of dimensions, along with their associated crash stats. Example stratifying dimensions include channel and country, example statistics include usage hours and plugin crashes. See the complete documentation for all available dimensions and statistics.


Mobile Metrics

There are several tables owned by the mobile team documented here:

  • android_events
  • android_clients
  • android_addons
  • mobile_clients

Wiki For reference, a previous version of this document was stored


Who to Contact

Feel free to open an issue or contact Ryan Harter (@harterrt) to identify errors or confusing parts of this documentation. I will be reviewing this documentation quarterly for accuracy.

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